Be Good for Santa: Quitting Bad Habits

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Posted on December 3rd, 2014 in General by NSBblogger |


The holiday season can mean your budget is a bit tighter because you are spending more money on presents and food than usual. If you are looking for a few ways to save this month and beyond, read on for great tips to save money.

It may be hard to admit, but you can save a lot of money by cutting back on your bad habits or even eliminating them completely. Plus, Santa is always watching, so kicking a bad habit or two is a good way to get on his “Nice List.” Northeast Security Bank is going to show you the average costs spent on bad habits by one person in a year.

The cost of bad habits:

Smoking Cigarettes– The average pack of cigarettes runs $5 and up. If you smoke a pack a day, that’s $35 per week and upwards of $140 per month. If you quit smoking, you could save almost $2,000 a year.

Morning Coffee– Have you ever thought about how much your morning coffee costs? Whether you get it at the local gas station or the coffee shop, the daily cup adds up quickly. If you average buying coffee at least 5 days per week, the annual cost is over $1,000 for the basic cup of coffee. That figure doesn’t even include the expensive specialty drinks.

Eating Fast Food– If you eat out once per day five days of the week for one meal at an average of $6, you will be spending $30 per week on fast food alone. The annual cost is over $1,500 for only one meal per day during the week. Your health could also suffer from eating out too much, meaning a possible increased in medical costs.

Excessive Shopping– With so many stores having deals every weekend to lure you in, it can be a hard temptation to resist. If you were to spend $200 per month on unneeded shopping, you will be spending around $2,400 per year.

Imagine what you could do with the money you save if you knocked some of your bad habits? Kicking certain habits could also lead to an improvement in your health. Northeast Security Bank can help you save money if you open a savings account today, so come see us today!

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